Tips for Preventing Fort Lauderdale Ant and Spider Infestation


Ant and spider infestations can be a nuisance for Fort Lauderdale homeowners, but they can be prevented with some diligent pest control measures offered by East Coast Pest Control. Sealing cracks and crevices along the foundation, windows, and doors prevents entry points for these insects. Eliminating moisture and food sources like open trash, pet food, and standing water also helps deter ants and spiders. Using baits, traps, insecticides, and repellents in targeted areas will also control existing populations. For severe infestations, contact East Coast Pest Control – our licensed experts specialize in customized treatments like fumigation and heat to eliminate ant and spider infestations at the source.

Seal Cracks and Crevices

Cracks and crevices around the exterior and interior of your Fort Lauderdale home can allow easy entry for ants, spiders, and other pests. Sealing these potential entry points is a key prevention technique to stop infestations before they start. 

Caulk and Seal the Exterior Foundation

The foundation of your home is vulnerable to cracks that form over time due to settling, weathering, or damage. Even hairline cracks in the foundation, walls, and siding can allow ants and spiders to sneak into your home undetected. Walk around the entire exterior foundation and inspect for gaps or cracks. Use a high-quality silicone or acrylic latex caulk to thoroughly seal any cracked areas. Pay close attention to corners, joints, utility entry points, and the slab-to-wall junction where the foundation meets the base of exterior walls.

Weatherstrip Doors and Windows 

Doors and windows also tend to develop age-related cracks and warped frames that permit pests inside. Install tight-fitting weatherstripping around all exterior doors and windows to close gaps. Replace any torn or missing screens. Make sure windows are shut tightly and add door sweeps or thresholds if daylight is visible underneath doors. Sealing doors and windows keeps ants, spiders, and other insects from creeping indoors.

Caulk Interior Crevices

Ants and spiders can also find their way into wall voids, cabinets, and closets through cracks in your home’s interior. Methodically examine inside your home for potential openings along baseboards, molding, attic access, countertop joints, corners, pipe penetrations, and tile grout lines. Carefully caulk and seal any crevices with a flexible acrylic latex caulk. Pay particular attention to moisture sources like sinks, tubs, showers, and under appliances as these attract ants and spiders.  

Inspect Annually and After Major Storms

The caulking and seals around your home’s exterior foundation and windows should be inspected at least annually. Reapply caulk if you find any new cracks or openings. It is also important to re-examine your home for entry points after major storms, earthquake tremors, or events that may cause shifting or settling. High winds and heavy rains can dislodge caulking and expand minor cracks into gaps. Resealing after storms prevents pest intrusions.

Inside Tip: Copper Mesh 

For problematic cracks, you can add copper mesh when caulking to create an electromagnetic pest barrier. The tiny sharp copper wires deter ants and spiders from crawling through sealed cracks. This adds an extra layer of protection at common entry points.

Call the Experts for Assistance

Sealing a home’s exterior envelope and interior voids involves some tedious precision work. For help inspecting and caulking every potential entry point, contact East Coast Pest Control. Our skilled technicians will thoroughly seal the interior and exterior of your home using the most advanced methods and materials. We offer fast and effective caulking, weatherstripping, and copper mesh installation services to fortify your home against ants, spiders, and other invaders. Call today for a free estimate!

Eliminate Food and Water Sources

Ants and spiders forage for food and water to survive, so limiting these resources in and around your home is crucial for prevention. Eliminating food sources and moisture denies ants and spiders the essentials they need to thrive. 

Store Food in Sealed Containers

Pantry staples, pet food, crumbs, and open bags of food will attract ants inside your kitchen and pantries. Store all food, including pet food, in airtight plastic or glass containers to deny ants access. Keep counters and floors clear of crumbs, and immediately clean up any spills or messes while cooking. Refrigerate ripe fruits and vegetables that produce ethylene gas, which attracts ants. 

Remove Garbage Frequently

Ants feast on leftovers, grease, and sticky spills found in garbage cans. Take trash bags out daily, keep cans clean, and use bins with tight-fitting lids. Outdoor cans should have a moisture barrier between the base of the can and the ground. Pick up any food debris around outdoor garbage areas that provide snacks for ants.

Manage Moisture

Spiders and ants need moisture to survive, so fix any water leaks, avoid standing puddles, and eliminate other wet areas in your landscape. Repair dripping faucets, clogged drains, and leaky pipes right away. Change AC filters monthly and keep gutters clear of debris to prevent backups. Adjust sprinklers to avoid puddling and oversaturation. 

Modify Landscaping

Dense ground cover, wood piles, tree stumps and decorative rocks create cool, humid areas where spiders and ants thrive outside. Prune vegetation to open up the landscape and allow proper air circulation. Move woodpiles far from the home’s foundation. Replace natural wood mulch beds with less hospitable gravel.

Check Potted Plants

The saucers under potted plants collect water and attract ants attempting to get a drink. Either remove the saucers or place pebbles in the saucers to elevate pots above any collected moisture. Discard accumulated water in plant saucers frequently. Ants also farm aphids for their honeydew secretions, so apply horticultural oil to repel aphids if present. 

Remove Unnecessary Items Stored Outside

Clutter, like stacks of materials, equipment, and debris stored adjacent to your home’s foundation, provides shelter for spider and ant colonies. Get rid of unnecessary stored items, move essentials like firewood away from the structure, and organize outdoor areas to minimize clutter. Discourage spiders by removing their webs and egg sacs from exterior areas whenever noticed.

Call for Professional Assessment and Treatments

If you suspect moisture issues around your property are supporting ant and spider populations, East Coast Pest Control can help. Our licensed technicians will thoroughly inspect your home’s interior and exterior to pinpoint and resolve conditions that allow access to food and water. We also offer customized treatments to eliminate existing ant and spider colonies lurking around your foundation. Call today to schedule an appointment with our pest control experts!

Use Baits and Traps

Using targeted baits and traps is an effective way to control ant and spider populations inside your home. Traps and baits placed in key areas lethally trap pests or contain toxins, insect growth regulators, or food laced with poisons meant to eliminate ants and spiders. 

Use Ant Baits

Ant baits contain pesticides, insect growth regulators, or borax mixed with a food attractant. Worker ants take the bait back to the colony and unwittingly poison the queen, larvae, and other ants. Place small bait stations along baseboards, under sinks, and near appliances where ants are noticed. Replenish baits as directed until ant trails disappear. Be sure to also eliminate ant food sources.

Apply Spider Bait Stations

Spider bait stations consist of plastic container with holes that allow spiders to enter but prevents escapes. Place them in corners, along walls, or wherever webs are noticed. For best results, check and empty dead spiders from stations regularly, ensuring baits remain alluring to repopulate the traps. Spider baits can help reduce overall populations over time when maintained diligently. 

Install Repellent Scat Mats

Scat mats release chemicals that irritate ants and spiders, causing avoidance behavior. The mats can be cut to size and strategically placed near particularly problematic areas indoors. Common spots include along baseboards, under appliances, or around pipes and sinks. Scat mats provide ongoing repellent effects without the mess and odor of topical sprays.

Apply Granular Insecticides Outside

Sprinkling granules over mulch beds, lawns, and landscaping provides residual control of foraging ants and spiders in outdoor areas. The granules slowly release pesticides that seep into the top layers of soil. Reapply outdoors every 6-8 weeks for continuous prevention. Be sure to follow all label application instructions carefully.

Call the Experts for Optimal Placement

For best results, traps and baits must be positioned in ideal areas frequented by ants and spiders in your home. East Coast Pest Control’s technicians are experts at strategic trap and bait placement based on thorough pest inspections. We optimize trap locations for maximum effectiveness and provide follow-up maintenance. Let our experienced crew handle ant and spider traps and bait placement hassle-free.

In summary, using a combination of well-positioned baits and traps can help safely decrease ant and spider activity inside and outside your home. Contact East Coast Pest Control to leverage our specialist knowledge for custom trap and bait solutions tailored to your pest problem today!

Apply Insecticides and Repellents

Using insecticides and repellents is a chemical treatment option for managing ant and spider infestations. When applied correctly, insecticides kill ants and spiders while repellents deter them from entering your home.

Apply Targeted Sprays

Liquid insecticide sprays allow for application directly onto ants and spiders to ensure contact with the chemicals. Use a pressurized sprayer to apply insecticidal soaps, synthetic pyrethroids, or other chemicals labeled for ants and spiders where pests are spotted. Reapply as pests reappear per the product instructions. Avoid widespread spraying indoors and only use insecticides made for indoor use. 

Dustentry Points and Voids

Insecticide dusts containing silica gel or diatomaceous earth can be puffed into small voids and entry points frequented by ants and spiders. The sharp dust abrades the waxy cuticle insect coating, causing dehydration. Lightly apply dust in wall voids, cracks and crevices, attics, vents, and similar spaces. The fine particles provide ongoing residual activity when applied properly in hidden areas.

Treat the Exterior Foundation

Treating your home’s exterior foundation creates a chemical barrier to repel ants, spiders, and other pests from entering your home. Using a high-pressure sprayer, apply a banded insecticide treatment along the entire foundation, windows, doors, and roof overhangs where pests may enter. Be sure to use an exterior-approved product and wear proper PPE during applications.

Apply Repellent Plants and Oils

Certain plants naturally contain oils and compounds that repel ants, spiders, and other garden pests. Strategically planting these around windows, doors, and the perimeter can deter indoor entry. Good choices are peppermint, spearmint, lavender, citrus, garlic, and chrysanthemums. Essential oils can also be diluted in water and sprayed onto baseboards and entry points as a repellent.  

Rely on Professional Treatments

For severe ant and spider concerns, precision insecticide application is best left to the experts. East Coast Pest Control employs state-certified technicians to assess your home and implement a treatment protocol for indoor and outdoor insecticide use. We use the latest chemistries and treatment methods to eliminate ants, spiders, and webs on contact and provide residual protection against re-infestation. Let us handle the pesticides for your safety and peace of mind.

In summary, judicious indoor and perimeter insecticide treatments can provide effective ant and spider control around your home. Contact East Coast Pest Control today to discuss environmentally responsible insecticide solutions to rid your home of unwanted pests.

Call a Professional Exterminator for Severe Cases

For severe ant and spider infestations, professional pest control is recommended. Serious pest issues often require specialized expertise and treatments best handled by licensed exterminators.

Fumigation for Widespread Problems

Fumigation involves tenting the home to fill the enclosed space with a lethal gaseous pesticide. It eliminates serious, embedded pest issues by reaching cracks, voids, and hidden areas that harbor colonies. The home is sealed during treatment and then aerated to remove any residual gas after an optimal exposure period. Though disruptive, fumigation provides the most thorough extermination of widespread ant and spider infestations.  

Heat Treatments

Heating the indoor air with propane-powered heaters effectively kills ants, spiders, and eggs without using any chemicals. Temperatures are raised to over 120°F and maintained for an extended duration. Heat penetrates wall voids, carpet fibers, and furniture to reach pests. Fans circulate the hot air and monitoring equipment is used to ensure proper temperatures are sustained throughout the home.

Customized Chemical Approaches 

For problematic ant hills and spider hot spots outdoors, professional exterminators can apply specialized liquid, granular, or bait chemicals to kill colonies at the source. Indoors, dust, aerosols, baits, traps, and spot treatments can be combined strategically based on inspection findings for superior pest elimination. Advanced gel baits and insect growth regulators are also extremely effective for ant and spider control when applied properly.

Detailed Inspections

A professional assessment involves carefully inspecting your entire home, inside and out, to pinpoint conducive conditions and locate all pest harborage areas. Any moisture issues, necessary sealing repairs, and improvements for prevention will be identified. Thorough inspections allow customized plans of action.

Ongoing Prevention and Monitoring

After initial ant and spider elimination, quarterly or biannual preventative pest control treatments can maintain protection. Technicians will continuously monitor and proactively address any recurring pest signs. Early intervention prevents infestations from rebounding.

For professional elimination of serious ant and spider concerns, contact the pest control experts at East Coast Pest Control. We offer complete insecticide, non-chemical, and exclusion services tailored to your specific situation. Call today for a free inspection and quote!

Ant and spider prevention requires diligence and pest-proofing your home. Sealing cracks, removing food and water sources, maintaining traps and baits, and applying targeted insecticide treatments are proven methods for protecting against infestations before they spiral out of control. For severe ant or spider problems, trust the licensed professionals at East Coast Pest Control. Our experts thoroughly inspect interior and exterior areas to develop customized solutions to eliminate existing populations and ongoing issues. We offer the latest treatments like fumigation and heat alongside preventative pest control maintenance. Don’t tolerate ant and spider infestations – contact East Coast Pest Control today to schedule your free inspection and find relief from these persistent pests!

Frequently Asked Questions

What attracts ants and spiders to my Fort Lauderdale home?

Ants and spiders are attracted to food, water, and entry points into your home. Keep counters clean, store food in sealed containers, fix leaks, and seal cracks around windows and doors.

What is the best way to get rid of ants and spiders inside my house? 

Using baits, traps, insecticides, and repellents in targeted indoor areas can control ant and spider populations. Be sure to eliminate their food and water sources as well.

How can I prevent ants and spiders from entering my Fort Lauderdale home?

Caulk and seal any cracks, crevices, or openings along your home’s foundation, windows, doors, attic, and baseboards. This blocks potential entry points for ants and spiders.

What are the signs of an ant or spider infestation?

Signs include visible ants and spiders, spiderwebs, and trails, and fly specks from ants-eating insects. You may also see ants swarming around food or water sources.

When should I call a professional exterminator for ant and spider control? 

If you have a severe infestation, call East Coast Pest Control in Fort Lauderdale. Our experts can provide treatments like fumigation and heat to fully eliminate ants, spiders, and egg sacs. Ant and spider infestations can be a nuisance for Fort Lauderdale homeowners, but they can be prevented with some diligent pest control measures offered by East Coast Pest Control. Sealing cracks and crevices along the foundation, windows, and doors prevents entry points for these insects. Eliminating moisture and food sources like open trash, pet food, and standing water also helps deter ants and spiders. Using baits, traps, insecticides, and repellents in targeted areas will also control existing populations. For severe infestations, contact East Coast Pest Control – our licensed experts specialize in customized treatments like fumigation and heat to eliminate ant and spider infestations at the source.

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